Bedre Mode” — Bloggerin Johanne will die Modewelt verbessern

Johanne Sten­strup kommt aus Kopen­hagen und blog­gt seit 2014 über nach­haltige und faire Mode. Auf ihrem Blog “Bedre Mode” (dt. bessere Mode) gibt sie Tipps, wie man ver­ant­wor­tungsvoll shop­pen kann, klärt über Mate­ri­alien und Tex­tilpflege auf und teilt ihre Out­fits. Johanne schreibt neben ihrem Blog außer­dem ger­ade ihre Bach­e­lo­rar­beit in Fash­ion Man­age­ment. Wir haben mit Johanne im Inter­view über ihren Blog, dänis­che Mode und Nach­haltigkeit gesprochen.

You start­ed your blog in 2014. What was the rea­son to start?
I start­ed my blog in 2014, when I was a fash­ion stu­dent and dis­cov­ered all the “bad” things about the fash­ion indus­try. I had start­ed to shop dif­fer­ent­ly and my girl­friends all want­ed to know where they could do the same. So I start­ed the blog to become a shop­ping guide, but it has become so much more.

What do you want to achieve with your blog?
I want peo­ple to shop bet­ter – and to see how fun and easy it can be. I know it’s not tru­ly easy, but I want to help make it more easy to shop your val­ues. Also I hope to one day be able to com­pete with con­ven­tion­al fash­ion blogs – in terms of pho­tos, con­sis­ten­cy and cool-ness. That would be nice for Sus­tain­able fashion.


Why do you focus on sustainability?
Because I knew that if I want­ed to be in fash­ion, I had to work with the bet­ter side of it. Water pol­lu­tion and bad work­ing con­di­tions were two things I had learned were not okay – from my moth­er who was very active with­in nature preser­va­tion and from my days in the stu­dent coun­cil work­ing for bet­ter stu­dent rights.

Do you have any tips on how to become more sustainable?
You have to start with what you love. I loved clothes, so I start­ed there. But it might be some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent for you. I would nev­er judge where peo­ple start their sus­tain­abil­i­ty jour­ney – I don’t even think we will all end up the same place.
Some peo­ple get real­ly engaged with fight­ing micro plas­tic and they start knit­ting dish-cloths… That’s awe­some, but not me. Just nev­er stop with one thing; once some­thing feel like a habit, pick up a new green habit.

Do you have any tips on how to shop more sustainable?
I have a shop­ping guide with awe­some brands:
Anoth­er tip is to use the high street for ecofriend­ly basics. I know this is a big dis­cus­sion with­in the eco-com­mu­ni­ty, but if mon­ey is tight, and you don’t have time for web­shopp­ping, many high street shops have great organ­ic jeans, tops and shirts.


What are your favourite (Dan­ish) fair/sustainable fash­ion brands?
I love Skall Stu­dio run by two Dan­ish sis­ters. Their style is so close to mine. And Aiayu – a knitwear com­pa­ny who makes beau­ti­ful sweaters from some­thing as unex­pect­ed as Lama wool. I was so lucky to intern here dur­ing the summer.

Is there a fash­ion norm in Copenhagen/Denmark?
Yes – black, dark and neu­tral. Espe­cial­ly in win­ter, it is com­mon to see a com­plete­ly dark crowd – the light­est thing is people’s hair, all coats, hats and gloves are black.

What is your favourite piece in your wardrobe?
My light blue shirts. I have so many, and love every one of them.

Insta­gram: instagram/bedremode

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