It’s important to take chances!

Am Mittwoch stell­ten Go Go Berlin ihr neues Album “Elec­tric Lives” im Comet Club in Berlin vor! Gewohnt ener­getisch und aus­ge­lassen beza­uberten sie das Pub­likum. Im Vor­feld haben sie uns ein paar Fra­gen beantwortet!

You have just released your sec­ond album. What does the title, “Elec­tric Lives” mean?
“Elec­tric Lives” cap­tured the vibe of the album. It was also one of the songs on the album that made us under­stand all the oth­er songs – musi­cal­ly and with the title. The ener­gy, the soft­ness, the unexpected.

Were there any dif­fer­ences in pro­duc­ing a sec­ond album when com­par­ing it to a debut album ?
Actu­al­ly, we couldn’t wait to start record­ing the sec­ond album. We gained a lot of expe­ri­ence mak­ing “New Gold”. We’ve now made our own stu­dio, and we are con­stant­ly learn­ing new skills. There­fore we felt more pre­pared when going into the stu­dio to make “Elec­tric Lives”.

What are the main dif­fer­ences between “New Gold” and “Elec­tric Lives”?
We had more skills in the stu­dio, mak­ing a bet­ter pro­duc­tion for the sec­ond album.

Over­all the song writ­ing is also real­ly dif­fer­ent. “New Gold”-songs were main­ly writ­ten in the rehearsal room. “Elec­tric Lives” is more focused song writ­ing and pro­duc­tion wise it is more worked through.

Which song is par­tic­u­lar­ly close to your heart? Is there a spe­cial sto­ry behind it?
There are three main songs, pro­duc­tion wise, on “Elec­tric Lives”. Actu­al­ly we wrote All Mine in the last part of “New Gold”-era, but the song wasn’t suit­able. We had the feel­ing that it could lead us into anoth­er direc­tion; then short­ly after, we wrote the song Elec­tric Lives and we felt on the way. The rest of the songs could cir­cle around the pro­duc­tion of these songs.

WDYW is real­ly close to our hearts because it was an impro­vised first take from the stu­dio, which we are very proud to have on our Record!

What has been your expe­ri­ence releas­ing your sec­ond album? Have you received any feed­back on it yet?
Both good and bad, but there is a trend; Young jour­nal­ists love the album and give the album top grades! Old­er jour­nal­ists don’t under­stand it. We think it’s great! Art becomes alive when the indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ences are different!

On “Elec­tric Lives” we can — like on “New Gold” – hear the fun you must have had while mak­ing the album. How impor­tant is pos­i­tiv­i­ty and authen­tic­i­ty to you when mak­ing your music?
It’s impor­tant to take chances! If you don’t gam­ble, you don’t win. That’s why we set up a dog­ma for WDYW, to jam it and not make any over­dubs – just straight out of the box!

We also enjoy using the album-for­mat, have a red thread through the album.


You are tour­ing in Ger­many. What are you most look­ing for­ward to dur­ing the Ger­man leg of your tour?
We love the Ger­man crowd! They are the best dancers of Europe and they always seem hap­py to see us – even if they don’t know us yet!

They have an open mind to new things, that can’t be found oth­er places in Europe.

What where your rea­sons to record “Elec­tric Lives” in the famous Hansa Stu­dios in Berlin?
We had an idea of not mak­ing the album in Den­mark, to go abroad. It could have been Swe­den, Eng­land — the bud­get wasn’t enough for Los Ange­les. So we start­ed search­ing for stu­dios in Europe. Nick Foss (our pro­duc­er) want­ed to go to Hansa – we were thrilled to go to such a won­der­ful stu­dio. So it was actu­al­ly the producer’s idea!

How did it feel to record in the same stu­dio as David Bowie and Iggy Pop amongst oth­ers? Does the stu­dio have a cer­tain spirit?
We felt a great rev­er­ence towards the pic­tures hang­ing on the wall, obvi­ous­ly. The pic­tures of Nick Cave, David Bowie and Iggy Pop were breath­tak­ing. We remem­ber going down the stair­case, going into the Meis­tarsaal, pass­ing a pic­ture of U2 record­ing in the very same room… but we felt comfortable!


Do you think that the album would have sound­ed dif­fer­ent if you would had record­ed it elsewhere?
Of course! We believe every stu­dio has its own spir­it, its own sound! And we love the spir­it of Hansa and the two oth­er stu­dios we record­ed the album in!

What are your Go-To places when vis­it­ing Berlin?
While record­ing we didn’t see that much of Berlin actu­al­ly. We were so busy mak­ing the album. Every day from 10.00 till 22.00. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t feel the vibe. The walk to the stu­dio was a 50 min walk, and that’s how you learn the rhythm of a city.

We went out on a thou­sand bars drink­ing – but we can’t remem­ber a sin­gle name of them!

One last ques­tion: What do you rec­om­mend to vis­it when trav­el­ling to Denmark?
We play quite often in Den­mark – go see one of our shows! It’s the best thing to see in Denmark!

Thank you so much for your time!

Mehr zu Go Go Berlin:

But it’s worth everyday

Elec­tric Lives von Go Go Berlin

New Gold von Go Go Berlin

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